Friday, February 14, 2025


 The alliance between neo-confederates who hate federal protection of minority group citizens and uber capitalists who hate federal regulation of abusive capitalistic practices in a marriage made in heaven.  This is a further explanation of MAGA currently destroying the norms and practices of democratic governance we are experiencing here in the good old USA.  

They are not the majority of Americans but a ruthless and unprincipled faction who have skillfully overtaken us with minority rule.  This is a real coup taking place before our very eyes and most Americans are ill-and uninformed by a intimidated formerly free press and their own limited cognition of history and public affairs in part due to the frantic efforts to stay financially afloat of many and the willful ignorance of those who just don't engage with anything other than their own fulfillment and pleasure. 

The neo-confederates never accepted their defeat in our civil war, and their forbearers quickly mounted a very effective attack reversing most of the citizenship and civic gains experienced by their former slaves.  And they maintained full citizenship suppression of black Americans for these many decades later following the surrender at the conclusion of the physical war using any means necessary  to impede black integration into the society they continue to dominate as their majority erodes, from housing and voting discrimination to police brutality.  And the neo-confederates have never been limited geographically to the south and many in the north before and after the civil war were in financial collusion with the agrarians in the south.

The uber capitalists and their aggression  have used both the economy and the policy advocacy sphere to limit black and other minority person's access to capital to improve their lot in life while enhancing their power over this society.  This has included job discrimination, hoarding of money, public education destruction, tax benefits for the wealthy and promoting the concept of "meritocracy" over the concept of societal cooperation and compassion via right wing think tanks.  Theirs is a world of losers and winners and the losers be damned.  The winners become zillionaires empowered to loot our federal treasury.

What we are experiencing now with a fascist MAGA takeover and dismantling of our Federal government is akin to the destruction of the  reconstruction era  enabled by the south and north alike. Federal law has been our primary guardrail in preserving the vision of our founders to build a functioning democracy with the rule of law rather the rule of despots now defiling our Capitol. 

We, the non-confederates, minority persons soon to be our majority and advocates of a regulated capitalism are the majority.  We are the solution to this degradation of our once proud evolving democracy.  We must organize, legislate and legally rule  in protection of our Constitution and the rights it guarantees and protects to overwhelm this evil at our polling places.  We can do this with resolve, courage and sound communications of the promise of democracy to improve our lives, all our lives.


Saturday, December 7, 2024


The MAGA movement has its roots in the economic theories of Friedrich Hayak, going back to the late 1930's.  Deeply anti-communist (Stalinism), countering the theories of John Maynard Keynes which underpinned the New Deal of the FDR administration designed to successfully pull our failed economy out of the ditch.  

Hyak advocated what is now called neo-liberalism, positing that government should not be at the work of social services and progressive taxes to assist lower income citizens toward the middle class lifestyle.  Neo-liberalism is the basis of trickle down economics which have failed Americans first advanced by the Reagan administration. His theories also have advanced global economics practiced by ambitious corporations which has included offshoring finance and  manufacturing by foreign nations, moving such production overseas, gutting our heartland. 

But MAGA clearly misunderstands economics as they oppose extensive foreign trade and globalization of commerce, advocating rather protectionism, while limiting the role of government in protecting citizens from commercial abuse.  They are proposing austerity through tariffs imposed on key foreign made goods creating potential massive economic hardship for everyday Americans and the middle class.  They are proposing using Stalinesque style totalitarian government to increase the power of the wealthy and corporations  and unbridled capitalism over our middle class, which of course contradicts Hyak's economics.

Hyak's theories were popularized by Milton Friedman and the economics department of the University of Chicago and have been adopted by the elite of both of our political parties.   This has resulted in the gross economic inequality in our country and the extreme hardship faced by our middle and lower income classes with stagnant wage growth and inflation in all the following economic sectors:  housing, food, many categories of consumer goods, healthcare, transportation and higher education.  It has resulted in a debt ridden middle class and and sense of hopelessness and escapism with large sectors of our population.  This is manifested in massive mental illness increases and drug abuse.

The MAGA people incorrectly characterize government social safety nets and assistance for the financially deprived as "communism", which of course it is not as a study of the tenants of communism reveals. 

Hang on for dear life.  You've been hoodwinked by con-artists dedicated to their own well being, rewarding the "me"  without regard to the "we" required to provide the freedom of democracy, itself needing modernization and reform.  Not much help is currently on the way to curtail turning America into a full blown Kleptocracy and Autocracy until American Voters, particularly dependable Democratic Party voters awakened to what is being done to them by the wealthy and restore our Democracy and a government designed to make life better for all.  Fair market capitalism, not free market capitalism is compatible with democracy.  And we need to rewrite the idea of the American Dream which has been misconstrued to becoming rich.  It means having a stable, safe and financially secure life of freedom to pursue our dreams.  Wealth should not be in the equation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Fellow allies who worked to preserve what was left of our democracy, keep the faith in one another that continued dilligence in building the world's first multi-ethnic democracy will ultimately restore a society that is fair, dedicated to equality and made to serve us all.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Neofascist Republicans Plan To Steal Your Vote

 Yes, steal Democratic Party votes.  The plan was well underway post J6 when it became clear most of the J6 insurrection architects, especially office holders, would not be held accountable by a corrupted law and order system. 

It is well underway at the State level with the insertion of election deniers in election administrations in about 30 key voting jurisdictions, setting up for future certification challenges.  Further, voting registration among the 'wrong" voters in some red states is being restricted by challenges from right wing groups posing as voting protection organizations.  Registration lists are also being purged of the "wrong" voters in some of these states.

The campaign the fascists are running is totally fact and policy free; rather, a sinister and destructive denigration of the Democratic opposition  with racist, sexist and insulting barbs filled with lies, misinformation and disinformation to mislead the electorate.

The motive?  Republican policies proposed in election and their history of reducing Constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms granted years/decades ago have rendered their possibility of gaining an electoral majority nearly impossible has incentivized them to gain power by any means necessary.

Why do these neofascists want to dominate us?  To maintain an underclass to serve the interests and needs of an affluent upper class believe they are naturally superior to most and deserve a better existence than the masses of humanity.  Look at history, full of examples of such class divisions for centuries.  They use racism as one means of creating and maintaining an underclass though many just believe they are chosen to superiority as the natural order of things or ordained by some deity. 

This is the goal of the Heritage Society's PROJECT 2025 that only about half of American's are aware of.  It is a formula to strip our hard fought democratic rights as citizens and maintain an underclass serving the very wealthy.  This is completely antithetical to the intention of our Constitution and democracy and will create a fascist, authoritarian America. 

A key current tactic is a campaign Steve Bannon calls flooding the zone with lies and disinformation in order to confuse Americans about fact vs. fiction, truth vs. untruth.  This tactic included sustaining the campaign of a criminal, fraudster, deeply mentally troubled and con man ;  thus you see billionaires, millionaires and much of Silicon Valley supporting Donald Trump.  This program runs wide and deep through our political ecosystem.  Don't be fooled, Trump is a tool, a pawn and this movement won't disappear even with his defeat or demise.  These fascists welcome foreign participation in the flooding of the zone and in stirring up conflict in our divided society.  

Another strategy they have announced is through their racist, Texas based affilliate, True The Vote, is to flood voting precincts on election day with so called poll watchers.  I have had personal, direct encounters with these vermin at minority voting places where they harass and intimidate voters waiting in line to cast their votes.  They also have suppression techniques working to discourage or eliminate early and mail voting. 

The next phase, post campaign, which we Democrats will most likely win, will be challenging the legitimacy of the 2025 election with massive numbers of vote certification challenges.  With a fascist complicit conservative wing of our Supreme Court, don't count on justice being served.  

We who believe a democracy is the best way to assure our freedom and realize our potential must now prepare for a huge Presidential and State official  voter turnout, win a majority of congressional seats and mobilize our very best legal advocates to defeat this movement in our courts with the inevitable legal action an install as many democracy protecting guardrails in our system NOW as humanly possible. 

History shows when we mobilize we win.  When we vote, we win.  The time to act is now.  Complacency and Fascism are both enemies of democracy and freedom.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

American Business: Giving you less for more

 Angry Customers Are Good For Business ...We learned years ago we were shifting from a make things economy to a do it yourself economy.  

The digital age has quickly brought us to this dark place.  Remember the automat restaurants?  They tanked.  Remember the hardware store that did everything including putting together and delivering?  They spawned the Angi's of the world because we didn't /or in my case, couldn't do it ourselves.   Remember when you could take your radio or t.v. to a repair shop?  Or call a company to solve a problem with their product?  Or a department store where a clerk asked you  "can I help you"?  Or when you could call a company and get a live person on the phone for help with their product?  Those days are gone.  You are on your own.  

American business has abandoned us, its customers for what?  Fewer employees and more profit and a screw you attitude. And what do we get?  Long, highly legalized warranty statements that in the end say, screw you, you are on you own.  Many companies are no longer taking have to figure out often complex, un-user friendly digital/internet payment methods.  And now, we have the added worrying about our accounts/credit cards being hacked or identities being stolen and often with no recovery recourse.  

America has taken the concept of rugged individualism to a frightening new level and is abandoning the concept of cooperation/community required to maintain a democracy.  Who is leading that movement?  American industry/corporatization for the sake of unfettered free market capitalism.  With less and less accountability for fraud and theft.  And who has led us to that place?  Mostly Republicans under Ronald Reagan and those who governed after him.  

I for one DISSENT.  I enjoy our freedom but freedom without cooperation is destroying our hard fought for democracy as is also making life more difficult except for the very wealthy, who don't give a shit about the rest of us.  Rise Up America.  Most of us won't and don't because democracy takes more work than just voting, which many of us also do not do. These unengaged want a free ride and they are getting one to hell on earth.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 dollar sign graphic from pixabay.comSome combination of greed and racism has allowed  the formerly formidable Republican Party to turn to fascism as its answer to its loss of power, appeal  and influence.  We liberals and Democrats need a productive two party system.

The party that once promoted the idea of freedom of the individual over the idea of freedom of the person within the collective is now gone.  They had some good ideas and influence on good governance, especially as related to keeping restraints on government to oppress through excessive control and taxation.  

Republicanism was also adamantly anti-communism.  Communist has two major characteristics-l. Governing is autocratic/totalitarian.  2. It is anti-capitalistic in its economic policy. It is hugely hypocritical of them that now they embrace autocracy and want to ally with autocratic nations while retaining their support for unrestrained free market capitalism.  

They also claimed to be the party of law and order.  Now they are the party of order as applied by an authoritarian ruler, but law?   Not so much.  They are now trying to demolish our justice system by corrupting the Supreme Court and attacking sitting judges, juries and prosecutors and eroding public confidence in our judicial system and nominating a convicted criminal as their choice to lead our country.

Their conservative idea of celebrating individualism and doing your own thing lawfully is now replaced with an ideology that promotes  heterosexual male dominance, Christian religion, superiority of Anglo-European ethnicity and nationalism over collective/cooperative laws/norms to better both society and the lives of individuals of all kinds of identities.  This is fascism with authoritarian governance as opposed to participatory democracy.

This is our choice in November 2024.  Pure and simple.  And they are deadly serious. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024


picture of folded American flag from sends its best and brightest off to kill  foreign authoritarians trying to destroy democracy yet here we are, considering electing our own predatory authoritarian MAGA movement dedicated to killing our democracy.  

Ok, which is it  you want congressional members, Supremes and the largely uninformed, unengaged or unhappy citizens who support these insurrectionists?

We are approaching your moment of truth in November, 2024.  Which is it?  The freedom to go to the beach, enjoy backyard cookouts and  holiday parades memorializing those who died so you could have this, or a country depriving women of their rights, rounding up immigrants wanting what we have into camps, forcing your twisted interpretation of religion on those of us not wanting it and depriving your neighbors of their voting rights who mourn their military family who gave it all up for you?  

You decide.