Saturday, April 8, 2023

Most Americans Don't Understand What They Get From Paying Federal Taxes


 Today, 56% of Americans say that the amount they pay in taxes is “more than their fair share,” given what they get from the federal government, up from 49% in 2021. This is research from Pew.


Let me share with you what impact federal taxes have on my daily life.  When I got up, I put on a cotton robe, the cotton having been subsidized to a U.S. farmer to grow it.   I also woke up in a country free from a foreign invader because my tax dollars funded my own military training and salary.  They also funded my foreign ally Ukraine fighting to keep their freedom from being annexed by invading Russia.  

My federal tax dollars are also protecting me and other Americans from the physical assault on our democracy from authoritarian, fascist fellow citizens who are unappreciative of their own democracy.

 I went to the kitchen for my coffee, which had been imported under import rules set by the federal government, made by an agency supported by my taxes to enable me to enjoy its fine quality.  Made with tap water made safe to drink because of federally funded agencies protecting me with quality and safety personnel paid with my tax money.

I put bacon in a pan, produced in a federally inspected meat plant to be sure it was clean and safe to eat.

I took my blood pressure medicine which was produced under federal regulations created by a tax supported federal agency which funded the research to create this medicine funded by my tax money.  It was supplied to me by the VA funded with my tax money,  Put on my VA provided glasses and hearing aids provided by VA employees paid with my tax money.

I hopped into a car to run errands that was made safe for me to drive by federal regulations created by Congress to assure my safety in using it, whose  federally paid legislators were elected by me thanks to voting rights granted to me.  My state had no voting rights laws created by their state tax funded legislators.  My car is fueled with gasoline supplied by federal trade partners negotiated with by trade agency and staff paid with my tax dollars.  My car has reduced toxic emissions regulated by federal agencies staffed by employees who keep me and others healthy.

I entered I95, a federally funded freeway build with my tax money.

I drove over a bridge recently repaired as a result of federal tax money given to Delaware to do the repairs.

I am  retired from  jobs which were working on government contracts or government reimbursement  funded by my taxes and regulated by federal agencies dedicated to protecting employees from unfair treatment and abuse.

I had lunch at a restaurant whose business was saved by a subsidy from the federal agency during the recent Covid crisis.  Others of other races and abilities are there with me as a result of federal funding of programs to assure consumer protection and civil rights.

When I got home from work, I got on the internet, created by the federal government agency funded by my tax money, run  on a broadband system funded by my tax money,. 

My computer was in my home I was able to purchase through a federal VA and FHA backed loan funded through my tax money.  

I paid a bill electronically through my bank, which maintains my account insured by the federal government and regulated to protect my finances with  my tax dollars.  I buy products  and services in interstate commerce via the internet which are regulated with federal agencies to keep be safe, healthy and from being ripped off.

This litany can go on and on but I think the point is over made.  We are almost hourly impacted positively with federal services designed to make our lives better and protect us.  Wake the fuck up,America.