Sunday, June 2, 2024


 dollar sign graphic from pixabay.comSome combination of greed and racism has allowed  the formerly formidable Republican Party to turn to fascism as its answer to its loss of power, appeal  and influence.  We liberals and Democrats need a productive two party system.

The party that once promoted the idea of freedom of the individual over the idea of freedom of the person within the collective is now gone.  They had some good ideas and influence on good governance, especially as related to keeping restraints on government to oppress through excessive control and taxation.  

Republicanism was also adamantly anti-communism.  Communist has two major characteristics-l. Governing is autocratic/totalitarian.  2. It is anti-capitalistic in its economic policy. It is hugely hypocritical of them that now they embrace autocracy and want to ally with autocratic nations while retaining their support for unrestrained free market capitalism.  

They also claimed to be the party of law and order.  Now they are the party of order as applied by an authoritarian ruler, but law?   Not so much.  They are now trying to demolish our justice system by corrupting the Supreme Court and attacking sitting judges, juries and prosecutors and eroding public confidence in our judicial system and nominating a convicted criminal as their choice to lead our country.

Their conservative idea of celebrating individualism and doing your own thing lawfully is now replaced with an ideology that promotes  heterosexual male dominance, Christian religion, superiority of Anglo-European ethnicity and nationalism over collective/cooperative laws/norms to better both society and the lives of individuals of all kinds of identities.  This is fascism with authoritarian governance as opposed to participatory democracy.

This is our choice in November 2024.  Pure and simple.  And they are deadly serious.