Yes, steal Democratic Party votes. The plan was well underway post J6 when it became clear most of the J6 insurrection architects, especially office holders, would not be held accountable by a corrupted law and order system.
It is well underway at the State level with the insertion of election deniers in election administrations in about 30 key voting jurisdictions, setting up for future certification challenges. Further, voting registration among the 'wrong" voters in some red states is being restricted by challenges from right wing groups posing as voting protection organizations. Registration lists are also being purged of the "wrong" voters in some of these states.
The campaign the fascists are running is totally fact and policy free; rather, a sinister and destructive denigration of the Democratic opposition with racist, sexist and insulting barbs filled with lies, misinformation and disinformation to mislead the electorate.
The motive? Republican policies proposed in election and their history of reducing Constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms granted years/decades ago have rendered their possibility of gaining an electoral majority nearly impossible has incentivized them to gain power by any means necessary.
Why do these neofascists want to dominate us? To maintain an underclass to serve the interests and needs of an affluent upper class believe they are naturally superior to most and deserve a better existence than the masses of humanity. Look at history, full of examples of such class divisions for centuries. They use racism as one means of creating and maintaining an underclass though many just believe they are chosen to superiority as the natural order of things or ordained by some deity.
This is the goal of the Heritage Society's PROJECT 2025 that only about half of American's are aware of. It is a formula to strip our hard fought democratic rights as citizens and maintain an underclass serving the very wealthy. This is completely antithetical to the intention of our Constitution and democracy and will create a fascist, authoritarian America.
A key current tactic is a campaign Steve Bannon calls flooding the zone with lies and disinformation in order to confuse Americans about fact vs. fiction, truth vs. untruth. This tactic included sustaining the campaign of a criminal, fraudster, deeply mentally troubled and con man ; thus you see billionaires, millionaires and much of Silicon Valley supporting Donald Trump. This program runs wide and deep through our political ecosystem. Don't be fooled, Trump is a tool, a pawn and this movement won't disappear even with his defeat or demise. These fascists welcome foreign participation in the flooding of the zone and in stirring up conflict in our divided society.
Another strategy they have announced is through their racist, Texas based affilliate, True The Vote, is to flood voting precincts on election day with so called poll watchers. I have had personal, direct encounters with these vermin at minority voting places where they harass and intimidate voters waiting in line to cast their votes. They also have suppression techniques working to discourage or eliminate early and mail voting.
The next phase, post campaign, which we Democrats will most likely win, will be challenging the legitimacy of the 2025 election with massive numbers of vote certification challenges. With a fascist complicit conservative wing of our Supreme Court, don't count on justice being served.
We who believe a democracy is the best way to assure our freedom and realize our potential must now prepare for a huge Presidential and State official voter turnout, win a majority of congressional seats and mobilize our very best legal advocates to defeat this movement in our courts with the inevitable legal action an install as many democracy protecting guardrails in our system NOW as humanly possible.
History shows when we mobilize we win. When we vote, we win. The time to act is now. Complacency and Fascism are both enemies of democracy and freedom.