Friday, February 14, 2025


 The alliance between neo-confederates who hate federal protection of minority group citizens and uber capitalists who hate federal regulation of abusive capitalistic practices in a marriage made in heaven.  This is a further explanation of MAGA currently destroying the norms and practices of democratic governance we are experiencing here in the good old USA.  

They are not the majority of Americans but a ruthless and unprincipled faction who have skillfully overtaken us with minority rule.  This is a real coup taking place before our very eyes and most Americans are ill-and uninformed by a intimidated formerly free press and their own limited cognition of history and public affairs in part due to the frantic efforts to stay financially afloat of many and the willful ignorance of those who just don't engage with anything other than their own fulfillment and pleasure. 

The neo-confederates never accepted their defeat in our civil war, and their forbearers quickly mounted a very effective attack reversing most of the citizenship and civic gains experienced by their former slaves.  And they maintained full citizenship suppression of black Americans for these many decades later following the surrender at the conclusion of the physical war using any means necessary  to impede black integration into the society they continue to dominate as their majority erodes, from housing and voting discrimination to police brutality.  And the neo-confederates have never been limited geographically to the south and many in the north before and after the civil war were in financial collusion with the agrarians in the south.

The uber capitalists and their aggression  have used both the economy and the policy advocacy sphere to limit black and other minority person's access to capital to improve their lot in life while enhancing their power over this society.  This has included job discrimination, hoarding of money, public education destruction, tax benefits for the wealthy and promoting the concept of "meritocracy" over the concept of societal cooperation and compassion via right wing think tanks.  Theirs is a world of losers and winners and the losers be damned.  The winners become zillionaires empowered to loot our federal treasury.

What we are experiencing now with a fascist MAGA takeover and dismantling of our Federal government is akin to the destruction of the  reconstruction era  enabled by the south and north alike. Federal law has been our primary guardrail in preserving the vision of our founders to build a functioning democracy with the rule of law rather the rule of despots now defiling our Capitol. 

We, the non-confederates, minority persons soon to be our majority and advocates of a regulated capitalism are the majority.  We are the solution to this degradation of our once proud evolving democracy.  We must organize, legislate and legally rule  in protection of our Constitution and the rights it guarantees and protects to overwhelm this evil at our polling places.  We can do this with resolve, courage and sound communications of the promise of democracy to improve our lives, all our lives.