This post appeared in DelawareLiberal Blog from Progressive Populist.
Upfront, let me tell you I was hugely disappointed when the public
option and/or single payer got shelved in the formation of Obamacare.
And as one in the health care industry I was amazed that candidate Obama
was willing to trust the health insurance industry to do the right
thing for a revamped health insurance public policy, having seen them
in action up close and professionally. But, I hung in there,
reluctantly, as health policy got formulated by my President's new
administration and our Party in congress.
But, how quickly we
forget the outrageous ethics of the insurance industry in their
non-coverage of so called pre-existing conditions, cancellation of
policies when people got sick and non-renewal of policies for families
with high risk. This was routine corporate behavior back in the day.
Did we hear anything from Republican policy makers about complete lack
of ethics from this industry regarding such treatment of the 85% of the
American public covered by so-called high end, employer based
insurance? Hell no. Not one word. For that matter, not much either
from corporate conservadems.
So, now, candidate Obama is pilloried
by these clowns for having made a perfectly reasonable generalization,
aimed at the vast 85% majority of the electorate who were employer
insured, that they would keep their insurance under his plan. He even
advocated building in a grandfathering protection for those not so
covered who relied on their own privately purchased policies that were
known to be pieces of shit, coverage wise. Yes, if you wanted to keep
your piece of shit policy, you dumb ass, you could.
This whole
discussion now should be not about what candidate and now twice elected
President Obama said back in the day, but the ethics and social
responsibility of this so called industry. Their ethics then and their
ethics now, manipulating the system, squeezing through loopholes and
laying blame on public policy for their outrageous practices and ethics
free behavior.
Let's have that debate, that discussion as we now
seriously reconsider how we offer the citizens of America a public
option/Medicare for all protection against the serial unethical culture
of the private health insurance industry. Their immorality is
uncurable. Let's put them out of their misery.