Published in DelawareLiberal by blogger ProgressivePopulist on March 13, 2014
I've been trying to follow recent events in Venezuela. Here's my
take, informed by the work of activist Tom Hayden of Peace Exchange,
Chris Gilbert, professor at Universidad de Venezuela and Rory Carroll, a
reporter for the Guardian and Observer Latin America, based in Caracas
for six years until recently.
Venezuela lost their leader of the
Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez, to cancer close to a year ago. His
coalition elected, by a tight margin, President Nicolas Maduro, ten
months ago. Observers estimate him with about a 56% popular majority.
He inherited an economic disaster in the making, despite Venezuela being
awash in petro-income and oil reserves beyond the wildest of
Now the inflation rate is 56%. The currency now
almost worthless in the exchange market. The government owes billions,
in spite of its oil wealth. Power supplies have recently been cut in
cities, the infrastructure is peeling and cracking, being basically
unattended. Shortages of bread, meat, toilet paper and basics in the
markets. Crime is off the charts. The Bolivarian revolution has been
basically mismanaged. Lots of bravado. Good deeds with the poor. But
neglect of the engines that drive the economy.
Maduro's response:
continue feeding the poor which is certainly a wise and good thing. But
he's also harnessed and gagged the state owned media and intimidated
the private media. The work visas of CNN's journalists have been
revoked and at least one private T.V. Channel has been shut down. And
he has jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez. Maduro has devised a
strategy to form alliances with democratically inclined opposition
figures to mutually attempt to stifle the pro-fascist right of the
opposition. But he must protect and build also his middle class with
economic reforms that right the economy without degrading the course of
Venezuela's social services improvement and hopefully avoiding the
prescriptions of the IMF and World Bank. It would appear their oil
wealth gives them a leg up in avoiding dependence on their solutions.
result of Venezuela's mismanagement? Street actions by mostly middle
class students with violent suppression by paramilitary and national
guard units. They have shot and killed a highly visible celebrity and
injured many. Some in Venezuela believe elements of the opposition have
been counseled by the U.S. White House. Some of the opposition were
aided in failed campaigns by U.S. political consultants. Though there's
no proof, at least yet, many there believe the CIA are stirring things
up with the opposition.
Why should we care ? First, they are
neighbors. We share a continent with them. We trade with them. They
are our 4th largest oil supplier, right behind Mexico's imports,
accounting for about 10% of our oil imports. This will be important
until we can wean ourselves off carbon based energy and become energy
independent. And, Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution have been a
bellwether for political/social reform in the Americas. We should care
about the democratization of this region and the shift away from
undemocratic, totalitarian regimes in that area of our world. Yes,
democracy is destabilizing compared to dealing with autocratic,
authoritarian rule we've been accustomed to with our neighbors to the
south. And sometimes democratically elected leaders become autocratic
when leaders encounter disagreement and resistant. But, I thought we
supported messy democracy over the alternative. At least, we say we do.