First Published on 1/27/2015 in DelawareLiberal by ProgressivePopulist
Theological error from none other than Nancy Pelosi's highly
credentialed (by his organization) Canon Law expert in the Diocese of
San Francisco.
“This has been the consistent teaching of
the Church from the very beginning, a teaching already discernible in
the natural moral law, and so a teaching from which no Catholic can
dissent in good conscience,” he said.
These are the words
of Nancy Pelosi's Archbishop in San Francisco. His name is Salvatore
Cordileone who not long ago partnered with the Mormon Church in opposing
marriage equality in the California Prop. 8 fight. He was responding
to a press inquiry directed to him in the aftermath of an interview by
Rep. Pelosi where she avoided taking a position on whether an unborn
fetus of 20 weeks was a human being. The interview took place on
January 22 in conjunction with current Republican legislation further
undermining the law of the land per Roe v. Wade and the right of women
to choose.
Pitted against a conservative canon law theologian,
she avoided answering because as a professed Catholic and mother of five
children and a lawmaker, she well understood the history of her Church
as ambiguous and historically contradictory on this question. The same
is true of the Church's position overall on abortion.
penalties for abortion changed over the centuries. Women (yes, only the
women) convicted of abortion in the early Church were subject to
exile. Then, later "Women who commit abortion before the fetus has life
shall do penance for one year or for the three forty day periods or for
forty days, according to the nature of the offense;...."
Later, women were excluded from communion for life; then, amended to exclusion from communion for ten years.
The penalty for murder, in contrast, was the ultimate punishment....excommunication.
dealt with by the Church or the good Archbishop is the biological fact
that 50% of all pregnancies result in spontaneous abortions. That is,
either the Catholic God allowing the forces of nature they believe he
created prevail, or actual direct causal action by their Creator to
initiate the abortion. Archbishop, how do you square the laws of nature
with your view of "natural moral law"?
These issues never have
been ruled on with so called infallibility; theologians have disagreed
for centuries on both when human life is present in a fetus and whether
abortion of any type is "murder." And she speaks as a lawmaker for both
Catholic and believers of other faiths, or no faith in her elected
But, clearly she has a more informed grasp of her
Church's erratic history on these issues than this highly trained
theologian, who was assigned by a discredited Pope to straighten out
those rebellious San Franciscans on liberalism, homosexuality and gay
marriage a couple of years back.
Catholics, including
authoritative theologians such as Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and several
Popes including Innocent II and Gregory XIV have indeed dissented on
these questions. Salvatore, indeed your Church has not been
"consistent" from the very beginning as you incorrectly cite history.
Salvatore, your position was not written into centuries of your Canon
Law until about 100 years ago. But, also written into Canon Law of all
these centuries is the Law of Primacy of Conscience. The Vatican even
today has acknowledged that is does not know when the fetus becomes a
person. Thus, your Law makes these matters a moral choice by the
"faithful" empowered by this Law in defining legitimate laws and norms.
Pelosi and millions of other American Catholics properly exercise their
right to their own conscience and moral choice on these matters. You,
sir, have distorted your appointed role as teacher and shepherd of your
flock into that of a bully.
Thank you leader Pelosi for not
being intimidated by the bully and for taking the time and effort to
understand your Church's history and their Law on matters impacting
women and families worldwide, irrespective of whether they submit to his
authority or prefer to have their choices governed with their own