The most horrific thing for me is not that President 45 was so obviously deranged during the 2016 campaign and a complete loose cannon, but that half the American electorate thought this was just fine. And even worse, Republican leadership decided it was just fine too.
But here's the thing about Republicans for me. They make a perfectly acceptable argument for small government and leaving much to the states to do in the governance area. But their actual practice, their actual history and implementation is quite the reverse. Their history is to grow federal government and starve state government. This is particularly true in the personal intrusion and liberty area. Like women's control over their own lives. Like bathroom assignments for people. Like how people choose to worship, or not.
Republicans love to talk about good government and respect for the Constitution. But they've turned our government over to a wrecking crew, not a repair and remodeling organization. They've chosen to ignore gross conflict of interest, gross incompetence in understanding both our Constitutional system and the difference between governing in a democracy and running a authoritarian corporate system.
They've chosen power, greed and control over patriotism and the common good. they've deliberately chosen to ignore science, history, our defeat of fascism and the very christianity most of them espouse, logic, critical thinking and objective, proven truth. I awaken each day to lies.....absolute fabrications
no one could reasonably embrace as truth. And they have abandoned common decency and respect for life they so adamantly claim moral superiority about.
So, I have chosen to resist to the degree my age and energy level allows. I support the impeachment movement, sooner rather than later. I support the ACLU and other groups taking legal action to try to protect my Constitutional rights. I support the amazing women's movement rising up to resist and overturn oppression and craven disrespect. I support blocking all Trump and Republican initiatives to enact or overturn legislation. I support Democrats in resistance, especially those with a spinal column.
I will speak out through the blog, Facebook and public meetings. I will support my spouse in her efforts in resistance. I will work to help build the Democratic Party. I will counter untruth and stupidity when I hear or read it. I'll continue ordering mine sunny side up.