This takes the form of passing legislation requiring a voter ID, with the rationale of protecting against a nearly non-existent problem of imposters trying to vote in someone else's name. The result is denying very poor, or mobility challenged or remotely rural voters from both access to these ID's and their right to vote. This initiative started about 20 years ago at the state level and is rampant in denying millions their voting rights.
Another technique is to purge voter rolls, as if they want to clear the voter rolls of ineligible voters who have long since moved out of the jurisdiction or passed on. It is true, many voters fail to inform their voting departments of a move or family death. But there is ample evidence that such database updating seems to be focused on minority neighborhoods or persons with Hispanic names. The net result is voters showing up to vote to find their names removed from the rolls and their vote denied, excepting perhaps a provisional ballot only counted in a very close election.
Other measures to suppress votes is to move or remove polling sites in heavily populated minority neighborhoods. This has been observed in 2018 and 2019 elections. This is routinely practiced in Republican dominated voting jurisdictions. A further iteration of this is to limit the number of voting booths/machines at these same minority polling places, causing long waits for people often with hourly wage employment and very limited time to depart work to cast a vote.
These same voters are often denied extended voting time frames such as so called early voting available in more voter encouraging jurisdictions. And restricted absentee voting rules and regulations designed to limit rather than encourage voting by elderly and disabled voters.
Likewise, vote discouraging Republicans practice limiting voter registration opportunities to more affluent neighborhoods and vigorously oppose legislation to simplify registration with such opportunities as same day registration and automatic voter registration when the qualifying age is reached. Similarly, even motor voter registration created under a Democratic President is deliberately sabotaged with complex bureaucracy and deliberately inconveniencing license appliers with long lines or onerous documentation requirements as well as conveniently losing or failing to process applications is commonly practiced.
Further, there is ample evidence of non-government interference with minority voting. I have seen with my own eyes vote suppression flyer sheets circulated in minority neighborhoods giving the wrong dates for election day. Harassment of voters waiting in line. Intimidation of voters at polling sites. These techniques are particularly rampant in areas of strong Tea Party organization. Yes, the Tea Party is an adjunct to the Republican party and strongly encouraged.
These common practices of voter suppression are systematic with both Republican voting policy makers, Republican election officials and those leading their local party organizations. It is decidedly un-American and even worse, undemocratic. Republicans, you own this behavior.
This is systematic and deliberate undermining the rights of others also entitled to the privilege you asshole Republicans think you and you alone are granted by your brilliance and success. I reject you who call yourselves Republicans.