Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Neofascist Republicans Plan To Steal Your Vote

 Yes, steal Democratic Party votes.  The plan was well underway post J6 when it became clear most of the J6 insurrection architects, especially office holders, would not be held accountable by a corrupted law and order system. 

It is well underway at the State level with the insertion of election deniers in election administrations in about 30 key voting jurisdictions, setting up for future certification challenges.  Further, voting registration among the 'wrong" voters in some red states is being restricted by challenges from right wing groups posing as voting protection organizations.  Registration lists are also being purged of the "wrong" voters in some of these states.

The campaign the fascists are running is totally fact and policy free; rather, a sinister and destructive denigration of the Democratic opposition  with racist, sexist and insulting barbs filled with lies, misinformation and disinformation to mislead the electorate.

The motive?  Republican policies proposed in election and their history of reducing Constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms granted years/decades ago have rendered their possibility of gaining an electoral majority nearly impossible has incentivized them to gain power by any means necessary.

Why do these neofascists want to dominate us?  To maintain an underclass to serve the interests and needs of an affluent upper class believe they are naturally superior to most and deserve a better existence than the masses of humanity.  Look at history, full of examples of such class divisions for centuries.  They use racism as one means of creating and maintaining an underclass though many just believe they are chosen to superiority as the natural order of things or ordained by some deity. 

This is the goal of the Heritage Society's PROJECT 2025 that only about half of American's are aware of.  It is a formula to strip our hard fought democratic rights as citizens and maintain an underclass serving the very wealthy.  This is completely antithetical to the intention of our Constitution and democracy and will create a fascist, authoritarian America. 

A key current tactic is a campaign Steve Bannon calls flooding the zone with lies and disinformation in order to confuse Americans about fact vs. fiction, truth vs. untruth.  This tactic included sustaining the campaign of a criminal, fraudster, deeply mentally troubled and con man ;  thus you see billionaires, millionaires and much of Silicon Valley supporting Donald Trump.  This program runs wide and deep through our political ecosystem.  Don't be fooled, Trump is a tool, a pawn and this movement won't disappear even with his defeat or demise.  These fascists welcome foreign participation in the flooding of the zone and in stirring up conflict in our divided society.  

Another strategy they have announced is through their racist, Texas based affilliate, True The Vote, is to flood voting precincts on election day with so called poll watchers.  I have had personal, direct encounters with these vermin at minority voting places where they harass and intimidate voters waiting in line to cast their votes.  They also have suppression techniques working to discourage or eliminate early and mail voting. 

The next phase, post campaign, which we Democrats will most likely win, will be challenging the legitimacy of the 2025 election with massive numbers of vote certification challenges.  With a fascist complicit conservative wing of our Supreme Court, don't count on justice being served.  

We who believe a democracy is the best way to assure our freedom and realize our potential must now prepare for a huge Presidential and State official  voter turnout, win a majority of congressional seats and mobilize our very best legal advocates to defeat this movement in our courts with the inevitable legal action an install as many democracy protecting guardrails in our system NOW as humanly possible. 

History shows when we mobilize we win.  When we vote, we win.  The time to act is now.  Complacency and Fascism are both enemies of democracy and freedom.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

American Business: Giving you less for more

 Angry Customers Are Good For Business ...We learned years ago we were shifting from a make things economy to a do it yourself economy.  

The digital age has quickly brought us to this dark place.  Remember the automat restaurants?  They tanked.  Remember the hardware store that did everything including putting together and delivering?  They spawned the Angi's of the world because we didn't /or in my case, couldn't do it ourselves.   Remember when you could take your radio or t.v. to a repair shop?  Or call a company to solve a problem with their product?  Or a department store where a clerk asked you  "can I help you"?  Or when you could call a company and get a live person on the phone for help with their product?  Those days are gone.  You are on your own.  

American business has abandoned us, its customers for what?  Fewer employees and more profit and a screw you attitude. And what do we get?  Long, highly legalized warranty statements that in the end say, screw you, you are on you own.  Many companies are no longer taking have to figure out often complex, un-user friendly digital/internet payment methods.  And now, we have the added worrying about our accounts/credit cards being hacked or identities being stolen and often with no recovery recourse.  

America has taken the concept of rugged individualism to a frightening new level and is abandoning the concept of cooperation/community required to maintain a democracy.  Who is leading that movement?  American industry/corporatization for the sake of unfettered free market capitalism.  With less and less accountability for fraud and theft.  And who has led us to that place?  Mostly Republicans under Ronald Reagan and those who governed after him.  

I for one DISSENT.  I enjoy our freedom but freedom without cooperation is destroying our hard fought for democracy as is also making life more difficult except for the very wealthy, who don't give a shit about the rest of us.  Rise Up America.  Most of us won't and don't because democracy takes more work than just voting, which many of us also do not do. These unengaged want a free ride and they are getting one to hell on earth.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 dollar sign graphic from pixabay.comSome combination of greed and racism has allowed  the formerly formidable Republican Party to turn to fascism as its answer to its loss of power, appeal  and influence.  We liberals and Democrats need a productive two party system.

The party that once promoted the idea of freedom of the individual over the idea of freedom of the person within the collective is now gone.  They had some good ideas and influence on good governance, especially as related to keeping restraints on government to oppress through excessive control and taxation.  

Republicanism was also adamantly anti-communism.  Communist has two major characteristics-l. Governing is autocratic/totalitarian.  2. It is anti-capitalistic in its economic policy. It is hugely hypocritical of them that now they embrace autocracy and want to ally with autocratic nations while retaining their support for unrestrained free market capitalism.  

They also claimed to be the party of law and order.  Now they are the party of order as applied by an authoritarian ruler, but law?   Not so much.  They are now trying to demolish our justice system by corrupting the Supreme Court and attacking sitting judges, juries and prosecutors and eroding public confidence in our judicial system and nominating a convicted criminal as their choice to lead our country.

Their conservative idea of celebrating individualism and doing your own thing lawfully is now replaced with an ideology that promotes  heterosexual male dominance, Christian religion, superiority of Anglo-European ethnicity and nationalism over collective/cooperative laws/norms to better both society and the lives of individuals of all kinds of identities.  This is fascism with authoritarian governance as opposed to participatory democracy.

This is our choice in November 2024.  Pure and simple.  And they are deadly serious. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024


picture of folded American flag from sends its best and brightest off to kill  foreign authoritarians trying to destroy democracy yet here we are, considering electing our own predatory authoritarian MAGA movement dedicated to killing our democracy.  

Ok, which is it  you want congressional members, Supremes and the largely uninformed, unengaged or unhappy citizens who support these insurrectionists?

We are approaching your moment of truth in November, 2024.  Which is it?  The freedom to go to the beach, enjoy backyard cookouts and  holiday parades memorializing those who died so you could have this, or a country depriving women of their rights, rounding up immigrants wanting what we have into camps, forcing your twisted interpretation of religion on those of us not wanting it and depriving your neighbors of their voting rights who mourn their military family who gave it all up for you?  

You decide. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

See America In Zone of Interest Movie

 30,000+ Barbed Wire Fence Pictures ...You simply must see the Academy Award film Zone of Interest.  It is a story about a German family living their best lives on the other side of a fence from Auschwitz.  Those of you who do not know what Auschwitz is and represents because you were not given history or civics classes in school was a concentration camp in Poland run by fascist Nazi's where Jews were encamped and slaughtered in one of the most inhumane acts in history in the 1940's.  Many of your grandfathers served in our military to destroy the Nazi system, now reemerging in your own country. 

The story centers on the German Hoss family whose patriarch was the commandant of the slaughter camp.  You saw the Hoss family playing in the river, at their pool, in their beautiful garden and sleeping soundly in their lovely bedrooms.  Jonathan Glazer directed the film based on a novel documenting the lives of  the Hoss family, just mostly ordinary people. 

Julie and I watched this film on 4/6/2024.  It had so much symbolism, visual, auditory and storywise I had to go to Colossus movie club for a more complete understanding of it.  I highly recommend you do this too.

Essentially, it is a film about the human condition and how seemingly nice, ordinary people can live on the other side of a wall shielding horrific human acts of brutality and evil while living seemingly normal, very ordinary lives.  

Our Auschwitz acts in America are like the acclaimed screening of Birth of a Nation or Gone With the Wind, ignoring the horrors of slavery.  Or in the current era, Texas Governor Abbott stringing barbed wire across the Rio Grande to stop migrants from entering our country.  Or, the shipping of migrants to sanctuary cities without notice to "own the liberals." Or, the treatment of those who are transgender and their families.  Or the denial of women their right to healthcare and family planning.  Or former presidents promising retribution against those who have attempted to restrain his criminality.  Or white resentment against those they believe are in some way denying them their superiority by just existing and trying to fulfill their human needs and the needs of their families.

Those of us who are part of the resistance against the fascism emerging again are given to understand by this movie that we all are capable of inhumanity and need this film as a reminder that the resistance is totally required of us.  

Those living in the oblivion of the Hoss family may never get it.  Rudolf Hoss finally got it as he faced his execution when he was tried and convicted of .....yes, being very human.  He lamented his actions at the end, a bit late after slaughtering thousands of Jews. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024



Republicans, you have gifted your country with a parasite who is asking for MORE TIME to pay the judgement for his fraud against the people of his state. 

 He has gone to people with little money and fewer brains on Go Fund Me for help to pay is legal bills.  He has leeched on your Party for money for those fees intended to fund campaigns for your fellow fascists. 

He has grifted his way to recover lost wealth through lousy business management to cheat his vendors and people to pay taxes he doesn't pay.  

He has sexually abused women for his own parasitic sexual gratification and display of non-existent power.

He caused an armed rebellion by really stupid people he convinced others stole an election from them and let them pay the price of legal consequence for killing and maiming police officers, defiling their own Capital building with their own excrement  while he sat watching these fools on TV munching burgers to satisfy his own hunger for crap food.

Now he wants you to make him President again in order to grift his way to a self-pardon from the crimes he parasitically covets to escape accountability for his predatory crimes.  He is a cockroach and so are you for empowering him.


Monday, January 15, 2024




Endowed by both nature and the Constitution created by their fellow Americans, Americans have the right to decide what kind of life we wish to live.  This unique social contract is the envy of much of the world without such rights in the societies in which they live.  It is unique also to the history of humans.   Let me enumerate those rights we all enjoy:

The right to govern ourselves:  Our Constitution and nature both grant us the right to decide how we govern ourselves and who governs us.  Not some privileged, grievance ridden despot who decides for us.  That has been tried throughout history and those governments and despots failed because their interests were served but not the interests of those they governed.  We also have the right to freely and peacefully dissent from the policies and leadership of our elected government. This right includes electing our leaders, providing a secure vote to do so and the ability to amend the laws protecting our rights and our Constitution and changing that leadership through our vote.

The right to decide whom we choose to love and what kind of family we wish to create together.  That right has recently been removed from us through  the interference of a despotic Supreme Court  giving government the power to decide if, when  and how we wish to create our family.   We can take that right back with laws we create and amend and our vote.

The right to a fair unabusive economic system through which we support our families.   We decide through our vote what is a fair price for our food, housing and transportation and how fairly we are paid compared to our fellow working citizens.  And the right to fairly share in the tax contributions we make with our fellow citizens in order to receive the public services necessary to have a good life.  This includes services to help elderly, disabled, unemployed and retired older persons with whom we share this country.

The right to justice and equality in a free society.   Our Constitution guarantees a right to seek fair treatment from our peers when we are accused to violating the laws of our country.  This is called due process.  And we are guaranteed the right to be protected from the violation of our rights  and physical security by fellow citizens and their organizations which are required to treat us all as equal human beings.  This includes the right to freely socialize in public through our public and private spaces, including our educational institutions without fear of physical harm from anti-social citizens and to have protection from such harm and remove those persons from society until they reform their behavior.

The right to education and  health.   These are rights all humans should enjoy from a society to which they contribute because education and health are necessities to a just and well-functioning social order.   Uneducated and poorly educated citizens are not able to make adequate contributions to society.  Citizens with health problems that can be mitigated by science and good care are in a better position to fully contribute to that society.

The right to not be a white Christian.  Many of us citizens and many more in the future are non-white.  And many of us are neither Christian nor religious.  We have a right to be that way because that is how we are born into life  without a choice.  Our ethnicity makes us no less equal in our human rights and as history and science has proven, no less capable as citizens that white persons.   Some of us decided we were created by a deity and chose to pay homage to them.  Some of us decided otherwise and choose not to pay homage to a deity.  That makes us no less human or a good, productive citizen.  This social diversity makes all our lives much more interesting.

The right to an unspoiled environment.  We need clean air, water, and a climate that we can exist in.  We have the tools and knowledge about how to provide these to a livable society and how to prevent fellow citizens from fouling them for their own selfish benefit to the detriment of fellow citizens.

The right to peace and the absence of destructive conflict.  This is with both external societies and factions within our own society that threaten our physical safety.   Humans have the mental capacity to resolve conflict through negotiation and forgiveness for wrongs done to us rather than physical harm and destruction.

In America, these rights provide us the freedom to prosper and enjoy a productive and satisfying life.  All of us.  Not just a few of us.   It is called democracy.